Sunday 8 January 2012

Positive Action

I've already thought about music that can motivate and make you positive, the list of tunes are of course very personal to you.  You can share ideas but the actual ideal list to maximise your positive potential would be selected just by you for you.

How about things to do?  Are there any particular activities that put you in a positive frame of mind?

Speaking to a friend last week recently made me think about this.  We all have such very busy lives, some busier than others with hugely varying pressures and responsibilities.  Self employed people can have the added accountability that they earn when they work so taking time off can actually be quite stressful knowing there is perhaps little chance of earning a single penny whilst sitting at home.  This was a problem for a good friend of mine over Christmas/New Year.  Christmas was magical for him - rushing about delivering, receiving presents and spending quality time with family.  But as the 'festive tinsel settled' and he sat at home when others were carrying on with their lives he felt in a way somewhat redundant.  This was a huge challenge for him - as I know it is for many others at that time of year.  He knew the rest away from work was important but the fact he was doing something was sending him crazy.

What's the solution?  Well, it's quite simple... get a hobby.  Again, it would be what ever suits you but find something self indulgent that benefits you.

Now, there's nothing selfish or wrong about that.  After all, you work hard and you deserve to be looked after just as much as you would look after a good friend or family member if they needed it.  You can afford to give yourself the same attention.  It could be spending an hour down the gym.  Model plane making, puppet making, sewing, painting, 1 to 1 time with your child, knitting, mucking out the nearest horse stables, volunteering - the list is obviously endless.  But choose something that you'll enjoy, look forward to and in turn will keep you motivated.  For my friend, a simple walk out in the countryside taking in the beauty of nature and breathing in the fresh air was all it needed.  Mine is a combination of things - walking, going to the gym, having a night with like minded friends, listening to music and singing!

Take time to find out your positive activity.  Something to put a smile on your face, a spring in your step and positive thoughts in your mind.  You are likely to find the positive energy you give off when you do it is contagious and you'll motive others to pursue an interest too.

Have fun!

Thank you to Paul who inspired this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words indeed Mike - my husband is self-employed so can relate! I have a couple of things I want to learn this year, mainly at the request of my eldest step-daughter - learn how to sew (a skill I have managed to dodge my entire life but now feel it is necessary as most of my trousers have the hems hanging down and I am clueless on how to repair them) and go on a cake decorating course.
    I consider myself to be an amateur baker but my cheesecakes and cupcakes always go down a treat, so who knows where it could take me! A few people have commented that I should make and sell them so maybe I'll listen for once!
