Wednesday 11 January 2012

Beating 'Blue Monday'

Monday 16th January 2012. An ordinary day.  An ordinary day? Is it?

Maybe it's a special day for you.  A birthday. The day you start a new job, you're excited about a first date you've arranged, seeing a loved one who comes back home after being away, you're indulging in your favourite hobby.  There are many reasons to be cheerful which is great - it's what we're all about here!

But for others, feeling good about themselves, holding their head high, thinking positive is hard, especially on Monday 16th January.

Some bright spark called Cliff Arnall, formally a researcher, lecturer and post graduate tutor at the Medical & Dental School of Cardiff University is now a 'Happiness and Motivation Expert'.  He used various formulae to crunch numbers, whizzed a few calculators around and spun a couple of abacus to come up with the most depressing day of the year.  And that day turns out to be Monday 16th of January 2012 - 'Blue Monday'.

Statistics show that one in five people in the UK experience depression and find it more challenging to shrug off their down moods than others.  So what?  Well this is where the POSITIVE ones need to step up and those of us still in training.  We all need to help overcome this being 'the most depressing day of the year'!

Firstly, using the tips we've already discussed here, Facebook and on Twitter prepare yourself and be pos'd up ready to face the day.

But on Blue Monday you need to spread the love too!  It could be a smile to a passing stranger, have a list of jokes to tell to your colleagues throughout the day, donate some money or time to a charity, learn something new and interesting, contact an old friend you've not spoken to for a long time, perform random acts of kindness, eat and drink really healthily.

There's lots of activities to take part in and share with those around you.  Let have a fun positive experience together that day.

There's more information and support from the Mental Health Foundation.

Don't forget - we do it all over again on the second Positive Upload Day - February 2nd!

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