Friday 13 January 2012

Emergency Charge point

I don't know about you but I find my life is an emotional roller coaster.  Most times I can be happy and positive looking forward to each day, the people I'll meet in it and the challenges it might present.  But some times my negative thoughts take over, you know the feeling - your head gets heavier, shoulders drop and you almost see that cloud drift over you.  At that point it's literally like you have to declare war on these feelings.

The reason you feel down should be acknowledged, sometimes you know you're being silly but other times it's quite right to feel down.  Now then... it's not a bad thing to feel down when something bad has happened, it's quite natural!  But it's what you do with those feelings when it's time to pick yourself up that matters.  What do you do if you really want to pull yourself out of feeling like that it's more of a challenge than you want it to be?

Friends and family are utterly essential in your emergency tool kit in getting back to positivity.  Many friends could be fair weather friends just happy to see you when you're bright and chipper and happy to see your smile, but only when you're smiling... you can come back when you're on your feet again.  That's fine too, these friends are just as important, but when you really want to get yourself charged from empty to positive again you need someone you know you can rely on.  Who it is doesn't matter and by that I mean it doesn't have to be your partner or your parent.  It can be a friend, someone you only speak to every now and again, maybe a work colleague, maybe a counsellor at the end of a phone (speaking to a stranger can often be more effective as you tend to be more open and honest).  You need someone constructive, someone who'll not only listen well but can understand why you feel that way and help show you the way back to your smiles.

There's always someone willing to listen but you also need that feedback too otherwise you may find you're not always much further forward.

As long as you know who they are and you have them on speed dial.

If your 'charge point' is someone you know, talk to them about it, tell them how important they are and how much you value that relationship, and treasure it.  It might just save your life.  

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