Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Thought Exchange

Ahead of the very first Positive Upload Day here's a simple idea to try and get more into the mind set of positive thinking:
Thinking positively for some people - including me - can sometimes seem like a challenge, a long upward hill that just isn't worth climbing.  But it really is worth the effort as the rewards of a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life are yours for the taking.

To start, the first step is to recognise when you have negative thoughts and what those thoughts are.  Many will be obvious but as you get more conscious of your thoughts you will spot a few stealth ones creep in when you're not looking.  Things we do all the time like 'I'll never afford that', 'you're going to drop that' or 'that'll never work'.  Also 'But I don't deserve a new job', 'it's going to be a bad day' or 'I can't run a marathon I'm not fit enough'.

So, once you start recognising your negative thoughts try to counteract them with a positive one.  It doesn't matter what they are - 'I'm looking really good today' or 'I deserve a treat after completing that assignment', 'He's such a clever lad'.

It's a bit like an exchange in so much as every negative thought can be swapped for a positive one but always remember that the positive ones are significantly more valuable.  So you'll always be the winner!

Try it and share your experiences with your friends and here or upload your comments at our Facebook page.

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